Embracing the Sacred Journey with Cacao: A Path of Healing and Connection

My journey with Cacao had started some years before, back in the UK, sourcing Cacao from a local Cacao Shaman, going to ceremonies in London, and holding my own ceremonies at home. In this way, I got to know and experience Cacao in my own time and slowly developed my relationship with her.

Our journey together continued to grow, and as my Yoga teaching started to expand into Europe, I soon became initiated into holding Cacao Ceremonies.

Our first ceremony was a Cacao and Kirtan fundraiser to help with the environmental disaster that was unfolding in the Amazon in the summer of 2019. As always with these potent plant medicines, the unfolding and synchronistic meetings that occurred from this ceremony opened my path to the powerful grandmother medicine of Ayahuasca, which then, in turn, led me to Peru to sit with my teacher and explore this sacred path further. What happened in the Peruvian Amazon will stay with me for a lifetime, and the unfolding of this journey is still very much in process.

Cacao and Ayahuasca work beautifully together, and it was on my journey north to Guatemala that I began to sit with Cacao on a daily basis. Living in the tiny town of San Marcos La Laguna placed me in the Mayan Heart Land and ancestral home of Cacao. It was here that I was drinking Cacao from the local women’s collective of Ruk’u’x’Ulew and sitting in ceremony with Keith, the Cacao Shaman.
While integrating from the ceremonies in the Peruvian Amazon, Cacao was the perfect medicine to help me work with and process all that was arising for me. It was here, living in a tiny tin shed with a bucket bathroom, that the seeds of Cacao Sita were born!

Once I was finally back in the UK, I managed to fund my first shipment of Cacao from Peru and started sharing it with my local community. The ripples of this sharing have been far beyond what I could have ever imagined.
Since that first shipment, I now source Criollo Cacao from Peru, which is the staple Cacao that I am working with and serving. My hope for the future is to be able to stock many varieties of Cacao from my friends and communities around the world and share with you this incredible gift of nature and true Heart and Soul Medicine.
Cacao goes by many names, and she is a much-needed gift for the times that we are living through. She is often called the Medicine of the Shift, Mama Cacao, Spirit Medicine, Rainbow Medicine, Liquid Love, and many more. Whatever you choose to call her, I welcome you into your own relationship with her, to open to your unique healing journey, and to let her medicine spread through the hearts of people once again.



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